The Dangerous Goods – Category 10 Course Target are Flight Crew Members.
Idade Mínima: 0
Idade Máxima: 0
Situação: ; ; ; ;
Habilitações Mínimas:
Habilitações Específicas:
The Dangerous Goods – Category 10 Course, has the general objective to raise awareness, amongst employees who are Pilot, on the importance of identification and classification of Dangerous Goods and on taking susceptible actions to limit and restrict the eventual circumstances leading to the ocurrence of incidents/accidents.
1 – Introdução ao Curso
Course Introduction
2 – Filosofia Geral de Mercadorias Perigosas
General Philosophy of Dangerous Goods
3 – Limitações
4 – Lista de Mercadorias Perigosas
List of Dangerous Goods
5 – Etiquetas e Marcas
Brands and Labels
6 – Reconhecimento de Mercadorias Perigosas não Declaradas
Recognition of Dangerous Goods Not Declared
7 – Procedimentos de Armazenagem e Carregamento
Storage and Loading Procedures
8 – Notificação ao Piloto (NOTOC)
Notification to the Pilot
9 – Provisão para Tripulantes e Passageiros
Provision for Crew and Passengers
10 – Procedimentos de Emergência
Emergency Procedures
11 – Conclusão do Curso – Teste de Avaliação de Conhecimentos
Course Conclusion – Evaluation Test
Dangerous Goods – Category 10 – Flight Crew (Eng)
4 – Formação a distância – E-learning (individual)
Summative Evaluation.
Training certificate is issued to Trainees who participate in the Course during the entire 3 hours and obtain a minimum of 80% in the assessment.