Aeronautical Legislation Course EASA Part 145


REF: 1343 Categoria:


EASA Part 145 Air Law Course target is to Continuing Airworthiness staff, Quality/Compliance Monitoring Manager and auditors.

Idade Mínima: 0
Idade Máxima: 0
Situação: ; ; ; ;
Habilitações Mínimas:
Habilitações Específicas:

The Aeronautical Legislation Course – EASA Part 145 aims to analyse the Air Law subjects, that concentrate the main Aeronautical Legislation applied to the Continuing Airworthiness Organisations, as well as the framework of the technical requirements.

It equally addresses the recent regulatory developments of the Civil Aviations.

1- Course Introduction
2- Objective / Importance of Part 145
3- Part 145 Structure
3.1. General
3.2. Section A – Technical Requirements
3.3. Section B – Procedure for Competent Authorities
3.4. Appendices to Annex II (I until IV)
4. Course Conclusion
Evaluation Test

Aeronautical Legislation Course EASA Part 145

4 – Formação a distância – E-learning (individual)

Summative Evaluation.

A training certificate is issued to trainees who participate in the course for a total of 6 hours and obtain a minimum of 75% in the knowledge assessment test.
